I slay the beast that stands guard
over my soul,
Held captive in doubt and fear.
Endless spiralling thoughts
Are silenced now,
As the sword sweeps through my mind -
Slashing away at my rotting fleshlife,
Revealing tenderness.
My heart unfettered and free.
I kept my promise
I cracked the code
I found the key 🔑
Unlocking the torment
And releasing the enigma
That is me.
Thank you for sharing! I could listen to your beautiful accent all day! Your wise words ring true. The key can mean many things to so many people. I personally see my faith as the key to giving me the freedom to opening my heart. I so enjoyed your writing. Thank you for sharing!
Welcome back to the writing world. I enjoyed this last piece of writing, and it spoke to me so. Thank you for that. I am blessed to know you, and I am thankful for your writing and your poems. Blessings, Carole! 😘